humanity always plays the main character

5.04.23 . healthy people only give a shit about themselves they promise they love you and they would give you the world if they could but when it really comes down to it no one will every be as important as them their dreams come before friendship they always forget your birthda- and cut youContinue reading “humanity always plays the main character”

Dysphoria Tastes like Graham Crackers and Go-Gurts

*Student Choice Piece* . my footprint is a stroke in Earth’s painting a single artwork in her collage just one breath against the nape of her neck; She says nature will take over when our bodies fall her vines twirling around rib cages through eye sockets of skulls that once saw freckles of sunlight inContinue reading “Dysphoria Tastes like Graham Crackers and Go-Gurts”

I Don’t Like to Bury My Hatchets, I Like to Throw Them on the Ground and Hope They Catch on a Toe

*Prompt: Clear Character Voice* This is what the neighbors saw; a pale white body in pieces and a fifteen year old girl standing over it holding a hatchet. There’s definitely going to be a complaint about this. I don’t know why we had to move into a stupid HOA home anyway. Everything has to beContinue reading “I Don’t Like to Bury My Hatchets, I Like to Throw Them on the Ground and Hope They Catch on a Toe”

This Is Not the Beginning of a Memoir, I Don’t Have Time for That

*Creative Nonfiction Assignment* When asked how many children she had, Mom would point to Father and say, “he has three, I have three and we have five.” After letting the questioner’s baffled face simmer, she would explain how their previous marriages left them each with two children and that I was their only shared child.Continue reading “This Is Not the Beginning of a Memoir, I Don’t Have Time for That”

He Was Never There to Lick My Wounds

*Personal Poem* I’m the lost sheep beaten by my shepherd wanting to be like the wolf that gnaws on my bone I’m a peaceful sinner, a vengeful saint I worship God and the Devil in the same prayer then to to bed athiest . non-believer never felt right on my tongue but then again, neitherContinue reading “He Was Never There to Lick My Wounds”

My Friends Like to Toy With Me

I don’t remember the sound of excitement or the taste of sorrow Depression left me on the side of the road and Ambition doesn’t want to hold my hand when I cross the street Danger left me with too little fear, Caution only tightened her shackles . Loneliness likes to squeeze my wrist at partiesContinue reading “My Friends Like to Toy With Me”

This Isn’t Denial, This Isn’t Acceptance, This Is Mourning.

*This is not my last post* . My lips don’t know how to say it But my head loves the word, Loves to hold it in her hands and cradle it like an infant. She wants to nurture the beast. And every time it rolls around in her mouth, she beats the belt harder. Goodbye.Continue reading “This Isn’t Denial, This Isn’t Acceptance, This Is Mourning.”

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