The Splintered Pencil

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A New Beginning

I’m deleting any posts that mention my name because I’m reusing this blog this year. I also apologize for not writing at all over the summer. I was having major writer’s block, and couldn’t write anything for the life of me. So yeah, deleting posts with my name on it. Or maybe I’ll just remove…

Until We Meet Again

*Revealing my identity, parting ways and sobbing while doing it. Great. Goodbye is something no one likes to say, yet it’s our go to farewell speech. I hate goodbye’s, it always sounds so permanent. So instead, I’ll say until we meet again. Because then I won’t get as choked up about leaving you all. Or…

The Lonliness of Space

*AP testing this week, so shorter posts. Sorry. A galaxy holds a single star surrounded by planets. A ball of burning gas in the company of rocks. Do you ever wonder how lonely it is in space? Every star is millions of miles away from another, worshiped by matter of a different species. And when…

The Daunting Cliff

My life is a mountain range filled with hills and valleys, ridges, slopes and cliffs. A lot of cliffs. I’m always trying to get to the summit, to stand above everything, and to claim the world as my own. But there are so many boulders to climb over, so many crags to trek around. And…

In the Night

*Side note, I asked two people to give me a random word. They ended up being bubble and wolf. Then it kind of morphed into this. lol. I’m a slave to the moon. Drawn to it’s reflected light, And a servant to the darkness it pulls into the sky. The night is the air I…


I have none, yet I should. Right? Because now I have more time, And I’ve grown tired of watching movies, Tired of scrolling through instagram, Tired of sleeping. But still, I procrastinate. Even though I’m desperately searching For anything to do, I still don’t do school. I’d rather waste my time pondering over canceled vacations,…


The tip of my tongue holds thousands of words. My lips are slaves to my mind, and my jaw allows me to be heard. And yet, When it matters the most, None of them can operate correctly. Jumbled together, Hung up on the first sentence, They can’t utter a word. . My vocabulary dissapears, My…

Losing It

Having writer’s block right now- yay. So I have no idea what this even is. I’m tired. And probably a bit insane, but it’s fine. Deal with it. Anyway, you get to read this now. BTW, totally random fiction, not an autobiography or anything. So yeah, I’m done now. Sorry. My life twists and unravels…

Far From Home

For the past month I have stayed at home- everyday. But this doesn’t feel like home. Home isn’t a house with a locked door. Home is a place that allows me to be free. A place where I can let the world drift away, and just focus on that moment. A moment where breathing becomes…

Missed Connections

I’m just gonna come out and say it, I never write anything like this- ever. So, this should be interesting… Mentions death & drunk driving. . The world around us sometimes exists without our knowledge. And we don’t realize it until it’s too late. Her hair was golden brown, sofly flowing in the breeze. Her…

A Shattered Diamond

Why is it that the things we want to last the most don’t, and the things we want gone stay there forever? The most special moments look like marble, but are built from dirt. Every detail has been carefully thought out, sculpted and molded by my hands. In the end, you think I’ve crafted a…

The Greeter

Everyday, I wake up and practice the same routein. I find about a hundred different people and ask them, “Hey, how are you?” The answer is always, “Good, you?” And I always reply with, “Good.” Then we nod to each other, coming to a mutual understanding that we don’t really want to have a conversation,…

Deep Down

My life is split in two, divided by the people that surround me. A line is drawn down the middle, segregated by my actions. I frequently cross over it, attempting to live in both worlds so I don’t have to decide which field is greener. But my legs can’t jump across forever, a choice has…


I believe I’m not a bad person. Even when I lie, or lash out, I still believe. But deep down inside, I know I must be. Because you can’t stand to be around me. You won’t listen to me without getting irritated, won’t talk to me without arguing, won’t love me without conditions. . But…


*I’m tired and didn’t want to write very much. Sorry. I miss you all, and hope you’re all surviving. 🙂 . My entire life feels like I’m treading water. Like I slept past my alarm. I’m scrambling through time, disconected from everything, understanding nothing, and wishing I could get it all together. My voice is…

Panicked Anxiety

Cuz this is all I can think about right now….. Cries. . Anxiety, the things we don’t see. The twitch of a nerve, the beating of a heart. The darkness in fire, the chaos in silence. . Sweaty palms, shaking hands, pounding heart. . Late nights, exhasted eyes, panicked head. . An overloaded brain just…


When the sun comes up, the moon goes down. Every time the world gives us something beautiful, Something else is taken away. Abducted. Stolen. Like it’s too good to have both. . The same light from a heart warming fire turns homes into ash. The same water we live off of destroys entire towns. When…

Smile, It’s a Funeral

Like everything in life, an event occurs, and we feel the need to make it important. To make it memorable, to make it not be a waste of time. We give a reason for it, and figure out a deep meaning that moves people. A meaning that inspires. When in actuality, we have no idea…


Wild animals aren’t meant to be controlled. Their instincts tell them to run from danger- to run from us. It’s in their nature to attack when threatened. Yet somehow we’ve managed to neutralize this behavior, and we’ve allowed ourselves to intrude on the animal’s habits in order to domesticate them. Cages have become their habitats,…

March Madness – Poisoned

Warning: vague mention of suicide… or maybe not so vague….uhh, just mentions suicide… kinda I take poison everyday. My eggs are dosed with melonchaly, my chocolate with sorrow, and my bagel with anxiety. Each bite only weakens my tolerance, and dulls my ability to recognize it’s taste. Pretty soon, I won’t realize the toxin is…


My whole life I’ve always wondered, do you see me? Do you know who I am? Do you pay attention? . I don’t ever stand out, or attempt to be recognized. I don’t crave attention, or take the spotlight. . Instead, I wait silently until you walk by. I raise my hand, my eyes find…

Blue-Eyed Love

My delicate life has never traveled so close to the edge before. I’ve tempted fate plenty of times, but today was different. I couldn’t make out the shape of my trembling hand. Everything was distorted, hazy, unrecognizable. But no matter how much my vision wanted me to forget, I couldn’t block out the sight of…


“Anything is possible,” as the saying goes. Anything can be improved, repaired, mended, or revived. Anything can happen, if you just put your mind to it. . Anything lost, dismantled, broken, corrupted, can be returned to it’s original state. . Anything can be fixed, given a little TLC. . But how can that be possible?…


Crumpled leaves blew in the wind, tracing the edges of the abandoned city as if they were afraid to enter. Only rubble remained now, forgotten by those who destroyed the life inside at it’s core. Once great structures, intricately carved by purposeful hands now stood in shambles. Their paint peeling, foundations cracked, and windows shattered.…

Bound Until Death

I’m losing track of the moments that compose my life. I know they happened, I just can’t remember what or when. Where the memories should be is an empty space, echoing with the soft tone of nostalgia. I stare at familiar faces on the street, wondering where I have seen them before. Just to find…

Strong Words.

“Hate is a strong word,” a sentence that seems to follow me wherever I go. Creeping around the corners in the hallways, or slithering through the cracks in the floors. It spills from the lips of strangers who pretend to actually care. I’m tired of it. Would you rather me play the role of the…

When I say, “I Love You”

You don’t know what I feel. Desperate pain engulfs my heart. The shadow weighs me down, Like a storm weighs down a ship. Until it sinks. Not enough pieces to put back together, The wreckage strewn everywhere. Your tone is like gravel, slowly eroding my broken mind. . While I’m trying to glue myself back…


An introduction is supposed to tell you about me. So, I am a writer. Not just someone who puts words to paper, but someone who goes to writing as an outlet. Someone who sprinkles small hints of who they are- either conciously or subconciously- into every sentence. Though all you probably wanted was, “I’m a…

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